Dedicated to exposing conspiracy theories and outright lies

"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" (Galatians 4:16)

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own fact." - Sen. Daniel Patrick “Pat” Moynihan [D-NY] (1927-2003)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Fox Executive Admits to Lying On-Air About Obama's "Socialilsm"

Thanks to!

"If an NPR executive or a CNN VP said something like this against a conservative politician, or even made a generic comment disparaging the right, they’d be forced out of their job within a matter of days. Sammon—AN ADMITTED LIAR, WHO LIED ON FOX NEWS, WHERE HE IS EMPLOYED—should be repudiated and fired by Fox immediately. There is no nuance to what he said. He admitted to lying. That is what he did. The man has no credibility professionally—as an admitted liar, as a supposed newsman—moving forward."

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fox "News" proves that there is no difference between lies and the truth

Remember that heckler screaming "Fox Lies!"?, well, Fox proved he was right!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

You mean...Fox News can't be trusted?

Fox reporter Mike Tobin claims that he was "battered" at a rally he was covering, but no video coverage was ever released by Fox. A video blogger shows he was never even touched.

The greatly hyped "Climategate" scandal turned out to be a lot of hot air, after the US Government's Commerce Department's inspector general did some investigating, as requested by climate change denier Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), and came to the conclusion that there was no evidence of manipulated data to support the claims of Climate Change supporters.

You can read the report here.

In related news, an attempt of bringing a Fox News-style network to Canada was foiled after an attempt to repeal a law that forbids the broadcasting false or misleading news was foiled.